
After seeing these pictures, do you have feel like to this trip? Some tips make traveling more enjoyable. Iceland is a pleasant and friendly country to travel and despite the small number of inhabitants all parts are reachable by public bus. Keep in mind that in the winter (Oct-april) less buses.



The Icelandic krona is about 6.50 euros per 1000 (2014). There are ATM's virtually anywhere, at least in every larger village. Please note: some ATM's require a small fee (150-170 krona)

In Iceland

Price level

Iceland is known to be expensive, due to the economic crisis, however, the Krona dropped against the euro. That makes Iceland not exactly cheap but some tips will help you to keep your expenses not to rise to insane levels.

1. Hotels are very expensive, however, when one is staying in guesthouses, one is already much cheaper, price range from 80-100 euro per room per night Rooms have shared toilet/shower.

It can even be cheaper whe you book a Sleeping Bag accomodation. This is a "regular" guesthouse room.  However, there is no bedlinne or a towel available, usually a pillow is available. You take your own sleeping bag. Costs for such places: 50-70 euro. This is not much more than a bed in a hostel dormitory.

2. food. Restaurants are expensive! a main course costs about 30-40 euros. However in the larger towns there ar also pubs or cafe's who serve meals  for 10-20 euros. This is then usually like pizza, pasta, fish/meat/burgers.

3. prepare a meal yourself. Almost every guesthouse or hostel has a kitchen where you can cook your own meal. Pans and plates are available. Do not forget to take a cvanopener. Foot can be bought at the supermarked. The prices are a bit higher then om the mainland but it is be far cheaper to cook you mael than going to a restaurant..

Public transport

ijsland has a extensive network of public buses. Almost all parts of the country are covered by long distant buses. There are four main companies:

1. Straeto: They run the city network of Reykjavik and some long distant buses..

2. REX (Reykjavik excursions): Irt serves all parts of Iceland including inland routes over 4X4 tracks.

3. IceLand Excursions: Like REX the serve divers parts of the country but also the auirport express Flybus from Keflavik to reykjavik.

4. TREX: Like REX they serve parts of the country including remote places.

Besides these companies there are several small bus companies throughout the country.

Bustickets are not exactly cheap, especially on inland routes (for example a return from Reykjavik to Landmannalaugur, a 4 hour ride, costs more than 100 euros return. routes along normal rouds are cheaper.

Outside Reykjavik, buses stop at any point, so not only at buisstops.


The spectacular environment and nature of Iceland, invite for long hikes. For your safety, you may want to follow the next guidelines:

De overweldig mooie natuur in IJsland leent zicht uitsteken voor het ondernemen van (lange) wandeltochten. Om e.e.a. veilig te laten verlopen is het wel aan te raden om het volgend in acht te nemen.

1. Before going on a hike, tell the guesthouse warden or the hotel where you go and when you expect to reach your destination.

2. Always consult the westher forecast for the area, weather can change dramtically and can be very bad in hihgland areas..

3. A small first aid set can be taken to take care of small wounds..

4. Stay on the marked paths and take a detasiled map of the area wiith you. Especially in more quiet areas the markings may not always be clear

5. A good condition is needed because many hikes run over rough terrain..

6. Take enough time for the hike. Sometimes, hiking times are a bit optimistic, even for experienced hikers.


Iceland probably has the best drinking water in the world. It is pure and soft. Because warm water is harvested often from thermal area's, it sometimes has a bit of a Hydrogen-Sulpher ("rotten eggs") smell. It may take a little time to get used to.


Criminality in Iceland is low. It is a very safe country. Just take the normal precautions when handling money and documents.

Have fun in Iceland!