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Dit is een dag-tot-dat reisplan van deze reis
This is the day-to-day itinerary of this trip

Day DateRoute Stay Weather temp
12016-02-01Flight Amsterdam - Istanbul - Addis AbebaHotelCloudy8
22016-02-02Addis Abeba - AwashSimple hotelSunny25
32016-02-03Visit Awash N.P, to BilenLodgeSunny31
42016-02-04Bilen - Assailtabasic hotelSunny34
52016-02-05Assailta - AfderatentSunny37
62016-02-06Afdera - Erta Ale basecamp, hike to summitbasic hutSunny, sandstorm40
72016-02-07Erta Ale, visit craters, lava lake, calderabasic hutSunny35
82016-02-08Erta Ale summit - Ahmed Elabasic hutMostly sunny36
92016-02-09Visit Dalol Volcanobasic hutPartly cloudy38
102016-02-10Visit Dalol salt mining, Ahmed  - Berhale - WukroHotelMostly sunny31
112016-02-11Wukro - HawzienHotelMostly sunny23
122016-02-12Visit rock churches of GheraltaHotelMostly sunny26
132016-02-13Geralte churches - To MekeleHotelSunny25
142016-02-14Mekele - LalibelaLodgeSunny27
152016-02-15Visit churches Lalibela + holy serviceLodgeSunny26
162016-02-16Lalibela - Gashena, Start Tesfa trekbasic hutMostly sunny25
172016-02-17Tesfa trekbasic hutMostly sunny23
182016-02-18Tesfa trekbasic hutMostly sunny20
192016-02-19End Tesfa trek, to DessieHotelMostly sunny21
202016-02-20Dessie - Addis AbebaHotelSunny27
212016-02-21Addis Abeba, evening showPlaneSunny25
222016-02-22Flight Addis Abeba - Istanbul - Amsterdam, back homeHomeRain6