Welkom / Welcome

Welkom op mijn website, kijk rustig rond. Op deze site staan reisverslagen, foto's astro foto's en muziek.

Welcome to my site. Have a look around my travel pictures,  music and astronomy pictures.

A nice trip through Italy and San Marino.

The most beautiful aurora show in The Netherlands in more than 20 years.

A nice trip through Mexico xcity and Mazatlan, and - of coarse - a spectacular total solar eclipse!

A beatiful round trip through culture, history and nature!

A re-visit of the (now mostly completed) interior of the Sagrada Familia.

A visit of some of the ancient history of Greece, the cradle to our society.

Going for some volcano hunting in Iceland ... again ....

A holiday to the beautiful islands of Malta.a.
A short trip to Riga with a short tour to Lithuania.
A nice Easter weekend in England with my first Trance festival since the beginning of the pandemic..
A short trip to visit the Canary islands Tenerife and La Palma and witnes the volcanic eruption on La Palma.

Big roundtrip in Iceland to explore the immense beauty of this cvountry

Going to view an volcano eruption in Iceland..

A short 'Post corona' trip to Germany and Liechtenstein.

Here are some pictures from a short trip to Serbia, I made in March 2019

This is teh story of the beautiful roundtrip I joined through the Indonesian islands Java and Bali. Enjoy! Hie is het verslag over een mooie rondreis die ik gedaan heb door de Indonesische eiladen Java en Bali. Veel plezier!

Another impressive trip through recent European history . Nogmaals een indrukwekkende trip door de recente Europese geschiedenis.

A impressive trip through recent European history including Chernobyl and Auschwitz. Een indrukwekkende trip door de recente Europese geschiedenis, inclusief een trip naar Tsjenobyl en Auschwitz.

A short trip to Cyprus. An intriguing country with lot's of beautiful landscapes and culture.

A hidden gem in North-East Europe, the Northermost of the Baltic states..

Here are some pictures of my trip to Senegal in March 2018.

A road trip to the impressivle west of the USA. A visit to many astonishing natural wonders!

A trip to a country full of suprises! 

A Nilecruise in Egypt, I did in march 2017, visiting marvellous ancient sites.

A short trip to this fantastic city. Visiting the Vatican and a day trip to the Vesuvius and Pompeii.

Here are some pictures of my short-trip to Paris in August 2016.

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